Monday, August 28, 2006

Get Well Soon

I'm feeling for my dad right about now. The last year or so his health has been crummy. It started with a diagnosis of Maniere's Disease [which is a wicked inner ear problem that can send your world spinning at the drop of a hat]. Three weeks ago he got his gall bladder removed after much stomach pain and then Sunday morning he was blind sided with a kidney stone. They tried to remove it today [which makes me weak kneed just thinking about it] but ended up pushing it back into the kidney. The poor guy has to wait a few days and then they will try to break them up.

The cool thing dad keeps a good attitude. You rarely see him without a smile and even when he's on drugs he loves to be around his grandkids. We love you dad and hope you get straightened out soon.


Anonymous said...

Ouch. Let him know that I'm praying for him.

Anonymous said...

I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Your father really is a great man and has a wonderful spirit.

Sandi said...

Thanks for the update on my little brother Chad. I will give him a call and keep him in my prayers. Aunt Sandi

Anonymous said...

I really miss not seeing your dad each week. Praying that God spares him some of the pain over the next few days/weeks.

Anonymous said...

I really miss not seeing your dad each week. Praying that God spares him some of the pain over the next few days/weeks.