Wednesday, September 27, 2006


For the last three weeks I have worshiped with our teens on Wednesday nights. They do an extended set of songs before their message. I love to worship and it also gives me a chance to enter their world and connect with them.

I've come away with some mixed emotions. It's pretty evident that for a lot of the kids, they have no idea what worship is and the songs mean nothing to them. What breaks my heart is to know that some of the students have been in the church for a long time and they still don't get it. In their mind, their experience at church on any given Wednesday is about everything but God. Now don't get me wrong. They are probably miles ahead of where I was when I was their age.

But I must give credit where credit is due. There are some teens who appear have their hearts and minds in the right place. They seem to be there for the right reasons and seem to have a relationship with Jesus. I'm pumped for them and can't wait to see what God is going to do through them.

I guess my frustration is this. You can teach people about what it means to follow Jesus, you can lead people in worship, you can even show them what an authentic life of worship is all about but some people never get it - teens, parents, senior adults, even pastors - they never tap into it. That's frustrating to me, but I refuse to give up. I believe a significant part of my life calling is to lead people into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ and until my Lord comes back I will help others to move in the direction becoming the kind of worshiper God seeks.


Anonymous said...

I know EXACTLY what you do I know this.....I was one of those teens.
I was afforded the opportunity to go to a Christian school in my high school years. It was a small school but never the less, I was surrounded by God's people and the things of God on a regular basis. Yet still, I never truely had a close relationship with Christ.
I look back on it now and it saddens me in a way because I sure did miss out on a lot of things. I looked at bible class as just another thing I had to do yet, now...I wish I would have paid more attention. I looked at chapel every friday as a way to get out of school work yet....I wish I would have listened more. I spent my whole teenage years anxious to get out in the "real world" when the "real deal" was right in front of me and I refused to take hold of it and make it my own.
Thank God He knew what He was doing. He knew that one day...although years later....I would finally GET IT....I would finally know that all I needed was right under my nose the whole time.
My advise to our teens is this...take advantage of the wonderful resource you have called Antioch Mills Christian church. I know this world offers so many things that seem to be so much fun ...and the idea of college, spending time with friends, and being an individual has such a nice ring to it....but life is no where near as good if you don't put Christ first in it. He makes all the difference.

gretchenhs said...

Hi there -
I can remember as a child, teen, young adult going to church first because my parents made me, then in college, because I wanted to. I still don't think I "got it" though until I was older. I know that these "kids" have to be ready and many will have to experience something that will make them ready. It's different ages for different people. All you can do is keep doing what you are doing, they see you and the others at AMCC living the life and it'll come to them. You or someone will be there for them someday when they need it, and the light will come on. I didn't have something happen to me to make me "get it", it was more the people I was around and wanting to improve my life. I finally figured out what was missing. I'm lucky and having you and others at AMCC in my life has definitely been part of that. So keep trying and your church family will keep helping!


gretchenhs said...

Hi there -
I can remember as a child, teen, young adult going to church first because my parents made me, then in college, because I wanted to. I still don't think I "got it" though until I was older. I know that these "kids" have to be ready and many will have to experience something that will make them ready. It's different ages for different people. All you can do is keep doing what you are doing, they see you and the others at AMCC living the life and it'll come to them. You or someone will be there for them someday when they need it, and the light will come on. I didn't have something happen to me to make me "get it", it was more the people I was around and wanting to improve my life. I finally figured out what was missing. I'm lucky and having you and others at AMCC in my life has definitely been part of that. So keep trying and your church family will keep helping!


Sandi said...

Wow, well said Candie. When I was younger, even though the nuns and priest were ALWAYS TELLING US OF GOD'S LOVE, I was so unhappy, I didn't want "his" kind of love, if that was love. My escape was music. Hopefully, these young will "feel" the Holy Spirit when they sing PRAISES. Christian/Gospel music has ALWAYS touched my inner soul.

Maybe these kids can be asked individually, what song touches their hearts to the Lord, and why? Just a thought. Some good feedback might result.

Anonymous said...

What hurts me is seeing that some of our teens are not being sought after in our church. Its okay if they are not there etc. I see a downward trend happening at Antioch and I am worried. Sorry, to be so negative but.........

Jen said...

I share the same frustration with you. Every Sunday I come home so disappointed in our adults who are to be leaders. My heart is constatnly torn over the way they sit so bitter faced during a worship service. My thought is, if they can't show emotion in church during worship, they probably don't really ever show emotion towards the God they claim as Lord and Savior.
So very sad!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes the Farmer must take responsibility for the fruits that they are growing. All that a farmhand can do is to try to keep it alive.Point is when the bible lesson's stops at 8:00 on Wendays and 11:45 on Sunday morning Its time that the Parents pick up the slack AMCC can not do it all, Turn off the T. V. and Turn on Jesus. Its time they learn that they are there to hang out with God not to hang out with there buddies.

Chad,Lonnie,and Kev keep doing what your doing if only one can get it, as much as you wish all will. Your doing what God wanted you guy's to do.

Anonymous said...

A DOWNWARD TREND??? REALLY??? The downward trend is when parents push sports more than the Jesus and push the pill instead saving yourself for marriage. Kids have to want a relationship with Christ and if they never see one at home, it's hard to crave it on Sunday and Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Also, the personality of some people is not to be so extrovert to raise their hands, sing loudly or dance around. In their heart, they are worshipping and love God, but outwards they might not look like.

At the same time, there are some on the outward look like they are into it, but their heart is no where near worshipping. They have their hands up, clapping along and smiling but it is a show for them rather than a true worship.