I have to say that I came to Atlanta with high expectations. I’d heard about the Catalyst Conference for years and had my hopes set high. That’s usually a formula for letdown. But having the first two days behind me I can honestly say that unless tomorrow totally bombs, this conference has exceeded the hype and I’ve been blessed to present [thanks again to Lakeside Christian].
Today was great. I won’t bore you with all the details but let me just say that I’ve been blessed to hear from some phenomenal communicators, have experienced passionate worship through music, eaten at a variety of restaurants, and have met some new friends, and have picked up a bunch of free stuff in the process. Conferences are great for that.
I do what to share a sliver of what I learned today. Andy Stanley used the story of Nebuchadnezzar in the Old Testament book of Daniel to remind us that “the Most High God is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone his wishes.” In other words, anything we’re given to lead is ultimately from God. And just as He gives, He can also take away. King Neb was a prime example of this.
Flowing from this thought he challenged us leaders to be:
- Diligent – Because if you find yourself in leadership then God must have put you there for a purpose. And if you’re there for a divine purpose give it all your heart.
- Fearless – Because the reality is, God has placed you there. That fact alone should leave us courageous. Whom shall we fear?
- Humble – If what you’ve been given to lead is not yours anyway and can be taken from you at any time then don’t get a big head. It’s not about you. It’s about God.
I’m signing off from Atlanta. I’ll share more tomorrow.
I knew you and Ange would hit it off! Enjoy...I'm jealous.
hi! i just came across your blog, am very interested in Christianity, though being a non christian mysef i want to know why exactly christianity forbids homosexuality, and which parts of the bible mention this.. i woud be really greatfull if you could give me some information! thanks..
Here is where it talks about homosexuality.
1Co 6:9
1Tim 1:10
But as children of God we are to welcome all people.
HEBREWS 13 2-4 saids,
"Let brotherly love continue.
Don't neglect to show hospitality,for by doing this some have welcomed angels as guest without knowing it. Remember the prisoners, as though you were in prison with them,and the mistreated,as though you yourselves were suffering bodily."
This comment does not reflect the thoughts or comments of the Blog writer, for this is my own opinion
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