Thursday, March 08, 2007


I've noticed that over the last few weeks we've had quite an influx of new families visiting Antioch. I have to believe that the majority of them are as a result of our Upward Basketball program. We're finishing up our second season and it has been such a blessing once again.

Last night I was talking to a new guy and he said that he loves our church because we invest back into the community. He was super impressed with the Upward program that his son was a part of.

As I consider the success of Upward I'm thankful Antioch has the eldership that is willing to take risks for the kingdom. They've been willing through the years to do things a bit differently and the Kingdom has often reaped the benefits of their willingness to embrace something new. Allow me to list just a few decision that I'm so proud of my leaders for making:
  • relocating in 1980
  • building a Family Life Center
  • incorporating contempary music into their service
  • adding a second service though they probably didn't like the idea
  • embracing Upward Basketball though they weren't sure if it would fly
  • investing staff and money to benefit our youth ministry

Elders, thank you for being the kind of leaders who take risks for the Kingdom. Kudos to you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


As a former member of Antioch Mills Christian Church I want to say Amen to that!!! I am so impressed with the Elders. Their leadership, vision, support throughout your ministry at Antioch has been most impressive to me.

At the service, the Sunday following Amy's funeral, Amy's Dad, commented that their are pioneers and their are settlers. He went on to say that you and Amy were pioneers and took "US" down paths that we couldn't imagine. And look at the growth as a result of that. I agreed whole heartedly with Gary, and might I add, it would not have been possible without your Elders who were bold enough to embrace something new for "HIS KINGDOM". I too say Kudos to your Elders. I love them all.
