Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Our theme for Easter is Supernatural. I won't give it away but I'm being drawn to preach from a passage of scripture that is not your typical Easter text. I'm chomping at the bit to share it though I have to admit I've never preached three times in a row:)

As I see it, God has always been in the business of bringing dead things to life and isn't that at the core the resurrection story? We were dead in sin and he came to bring life. But too many times we treat the bible and the Easter story like, "that was then, but this is now". Therefore we tame this supernatural God that has always been about turning the impossible on it's head. I'm confident that the God we serve is still a supernatural God and worthy to be praised!

I don't know what is going to happen on March 23; all I know is that I have this incredible sense of expectation that He is going to do something supernatural that morning. So bring someone who needs the supernatural touch of God and don't miss this Easter at GCC.

1 comment:

Joe Rollins said...

I'm really excited and I can't wait to hear this message. I pray that the congregation will be open to receive this supernatural lesson!