Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Birthday Date

Just got back from taking my youngest daughter, Emrie, to the local Mexican restaurant for her sixth birthday. What a fabulous time! With four kids it's good to get one on one time with any of them. We had sweet conversation and my only hope is that she knows her daddy loves her unconditionally. Praise God for moments like these!

This pic was taken by yours truly from my iPhone. I would have asked our waiter but he couldn't speak a lick of English. Emrie got to bust out some Spanish on him that she learned from Dora:)


Anonymous said...

mmm my favorite the used to be Los Indios restaurant!

gretchenhs said...

I remember when you brought that sweet baby girl home, what a great gift Chad, she's beautiful and I can't believe she is 6 already! Give her big birthday love from the Sheridan's please. We'll have to get up for a visit again soon!