Tuesday, October 07, 2008

I've Gotta Go

In case you haven't heard, I stepped down as the Senior Pastor at Greenville Christian Church this past Sunday. It's a long story that happened very fast. For those that haven't heard, I wanted to post my resignation speech that was shared on Sunday. To all my family at GCC - thanks for the ride! It's been awesome!

I've said it many times from this platform - “I want more...more of God.” And I never imagined that that hunger for God and His will for my life would bring me to the place I find myself.

Today it is with much heartache that I stand before you to resign as your Senior Pastor. I understand that this comes as a shock to many of you but if you'll allow me just a moment, I will try my best to explain how I've come to make this decision.

When I was called to be your Senior Pastor 15 months ago, I came with an incredible hunger for the Lord. That hunger has only served to grow with every passing day and has led me on an incredible journey with the Lord that I wouldn't trade for anything but along the way he's challenged my comfort zone and tested my obedience time and time again. At various points in my journey He's encouraged me to let go of certain beliefs and grab hold of others. With each exchange God has taken me to new heights in my relationship with Him. For that I'm forever grateful.

At the same time, I've developed deep convictions in regards to allowing the Holy Spirit absolute freedom to lead the church and to distribute spiritual gifts as he sees fit for her benefit.

I want to state that one more time as this is at the heart of my decision. Throughout my journey I've developed deep convictions in regards to allowing the Holy Spirit absolute freedom to lead the church and to distribute spiritual gifts as he sees fit for her benefit.

The difficulty lies in that, this conviction is not necessarily consistent with the elders' positional stance on spiritual gifts.

After hours of meetings the elders and I realized that in order for the church to move forward unity in leadership would be essential. But after much prayer and seeking of Godly counsel, my convictions have not allowed me to come into alignment with the elders' stance on this particular issue. Therefore I feel I'm left with no other option than to step down as your Senior Pastor and allow them to find a man who can lead this church in a way that is consistent with their beliefs.

Please know this decision breaks my heart because Jennifer and I quickly fell in love with the people of GCC and felt that God had big plans for the future of this church. BUT if my ONE THING, as we talked about today, is God, then my allegiance is to Him and I must follow wherever He leads.

I want you to know that today I step out in faith because at this point, there is no other church, there is no other ministry, there is no other job lined up. I'm simply being obedient to God's call and trusting Him to lead my every step from here on out.

As I conclude allow me to say this by way of encouragement. Jesus has called us to walk in love. Regardless of whether we understand or even agree with the decisions that have been made, it will be vital for this church and the world that watches that we walk in love. It is not a time to be critical of divisive but rather it's a time to chase after the Lord and seek His leadership. He's loves this church more than we'll ever know.

All that being said, the elders and I have determined that today will be my last Sunday as your Senior Pastor.

On behalf of Jennifer and myself, I would like to thank you for loving and accepting our family from day one. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at Greenville and have grown so much as a man and as a pastor.

I love you GCC and will forever pray for you.


ck said...

I've been following you from the times of the cancer stuff with your first wife. Listening to your sermons faithfully for some time.

Knew the messages you gave on the Holy Spirit was going to be an issue.

I disagree with your theological stance, but praise you for you and the Elders integrity on the matter.

This teaching is not a small issue and is one that the Eldership is required to stand against if they are an Eldership that holds the stance that most restoration movement churches hold. And the fact that you held to your convictions in the face of no job to replace this one... takes integrity.

ck said...

I've been following you from the times of the cancer stuff with your first wife. Listening to your sermons faithfully for some time.

Knew the messages you gave on the Holy Spirit was going to be an issue.

I disagree with your theological stance, but praise you for you and the Elders integrity on the matter.

This teaching is not a small issue and is one that the Eldership is required to stand against if they are an Eldership that holds the stance that most restoration movement churches hold. And the fact that you held to your convictions in the face of no job to replace this one... takes integrity.

dwater said...

You must follow the path that God has laid out for you. Thank you for all the things you have done for our church. You have made us grow so much. You are loved and will be missed greatly.

Joe Rollins said...

I look at this as only the beginning for you and what God wants to do in you Chad. You've grown me and countless others in our walk with the Lord and for that I am forever greatful.

I know you will be blessed for being obedient to God's calling in your life. Just trust in him to provide that Ram for you as you are making this huge sacrifice.

Good leaders lead from the heart, and I have no doubt that is exaclty what you have done.

God Bless you and your entire family!

Rebecca Jo said...

Its just one of those times where you truly have to have faith in God & not rely on our own understanding. Keep pressing on! Excited to see where God leads you & your whole family! You will be sorely missed!

Christy said...

As you have told me before - I'll pray for you.

Anonymous said...

I think it shows a great faith in God to do what you did and I respect you greatly for living by your faith. I know God has even greater things in store for you, otherwise he wouldn't be moving your heart as he has been.

Anonymous said...

In you're own words "You blessed our socks off!!" love you all

Jeremy said...

chad i can't begin to tell you how much you have influenced my life and convicted me to be a better man i am not sure i fully know myself and i know it is the Lord who worked through you His faithfull servant to begin a work in me that was started long ago and put on the back shelf of my life i am so thankfull to have just known you much less have you as such a clase friend i love you man and will never cease prayer for you and your family please promise to stay in touch

Tim Snell said...


My name is Tim Snell. I am a Pastor within the Restoration Movement at Christ's Church of the Valley in Appleton, WI. Several years ago God led us on a similar journey. We have sinced formed a ministry to connect Pastors - both within the RM and outside of the RM - who have taken this journey together. It is called "The Center for Church Renewal." Our website is down right now, but you can call me at 920-832-0829. I'd love to visit with you and encourage you. We have done some fairly extensive survey work within the RM, and you'd be surprised at how many of us there are on this journey. Stay encouraged, and keep following God. He will bless you abundantly!

joie said...

I have been praying for you all morning and I thought that I would post a few thoughts that haven't seemed to come up here on the blog. First off, I want to commend you for following the Lord at such a serious cost. It speaks volumes to your integrity and faithfulness. I believe that it is the Lord that you are following. All over the Untied States the Holy Spirit is seemingly casting down a plumb line in the Body of Christ. Not a plumb line asking if you specifically believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for today or not, but rather, if you will allow Jesus Christ to be the Head of your walk and of His Church. It is my belief that Pastor Chad, you have chosen to allow Christ to be the Head.

Anonymous said...

It's been about a month now and I just can't believe your gone. I wake up every Sunday and wonder where the Lord is going to lead you and Jennifer next. I found out today that you had been blogging and so I thought I'd check it out. I am so glad you posted your resignation speech because I was not there the Sunday you resigned. As another blogger had mentioned they knew it would be a problem when you preached on the Holy Spirit, I must say the opposite and int that I knew it was the beginning of the Holy Spirit working a new in you. I was praying for this movement of God and those that have experienced the fullness of the Lord and Holy Spirit long and desire MORE. The problem is the MORE factor can not be explained it has to be experienced. I beleive it's like the calm before the storm. You can watch the weather channel and know that storm, tornado, hurricane is coming but until it hits YOUR home your are in disbelief or feel lucky it wasn't you. I was raised a Baptist, so disbelief I was in until God hit me with a powerful storm that opened my eyes to what you are experiencing now. It's unimagenable to those that have not experienced it or that are scared of the Holy Spirit. I ask them this, "What if God came to you today and said why haven't you listened to my call, my signs, my wonders? I gave you the bible to study and know my word but you still doubted so I gave you the works of the Holy Spirit to see and know more of me and you said, NO." I just wonder if they'd listen then... I love you Chad and Jennifer and know God has remarkable ways of blessing those that honor him.