Saturday, April 11, 2009

Help Lord!

My family and I just returned from the Prayer Conference at Whitehorse and had an incredible time. I've never left a conference in West Lafayette without feeling built up in the Lord and ready to take on the kingdom of darkness in Jesus' name. 

Before I hit the sack I just had the share a profound thought that Pastor Jeff Johns shared on the last night. Pastor Jeff had been talking on and off throughout the whole the conference about how God can bless His children even in the midst of a struggling economy. The heart of the message was that God is not affected by the recession so we have no reason to fear.  But on the last night he made a one liner that I don't think I'll ever forget. He said, "Some of you are going from Psalm 12 - 'Help Lord!' to Luke 5 'Help Lord!'"  In Psalm 12 David is in a fight for his life and is feeling alone and he cries out "Help Lord!".  In Luke 5, after a fishless night, Simon Peter obeys Jesus' simple word of instruction to toss the nets on the other side of the boat and Peter catches so many fish his nets begin to tear. His catch is so massive that he cries for help for his fishing buddies to come assist him in bringing in the mess of fish. Both boats were on the verge of sinking from the abundance!

The lesson was this - We serve a God that can take us from Help Lord! (we're in need, we're struggling) to Help Lord! (the abundant harvest is so large, what do we do?!) and he can do it in the blink of an eye!  

I don't know about you, but I'm moving to Luke 5!  "And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)

1 comment:

gretchenhs said...

Wonderful, wonderful message. I love it!