Saturday, May 02, 2009

Financial Miracle!

"And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)

I couldn't go to bed without sharing the incredible miracle that took place today. A few weeks ago our van's transmission went out and so we began to prayerfully shop around to see who could get us the best deal. The quotes ranged from $4,000 to $2,500.  After talking to my friend Jack who owns Jack's Muffler in Greenville, we felt like that was where we needed to go.  Not only was it the cheapest bid, but Jack was willing to double the warranty at no cost to me. I saw that as a blessing from God. 

So we had the van towed to Southern Indiana and waited.  All the while Jennifer and I were praying for God to meet our financial need. $2,500 is a big chunk of money and so we prayed and believed that God would come through some how. He's a faithful God and we know Him to be a miracle worker! I call Jack's Muffler to make arrangements to pick up the van and pay what I thought would be a hefty invoice and the receptionist proceeds to tell me that I owe nothing.  What?!  She wouldn't go into detail but she said that it had been taken care of!  Needless to say I about dropped the phone:) God had come through!  Not simply with a double warranty but a free transmission!  I mean I would have given Him praise for a big discount, but to pay my invoice in full!  God is awesome!  I thanked Christie (the receptionist) and told her to thank whoever it was that carried out this blessing and then the party was on:)  My wife and I celebrated all day and will forever remember this day as yet another day that our God came through on a miracle.  One of many we will have the opportunity to tell about. I'm certain of that!

We have an awesome Heavenly Father who loves to bless His children and as the scripture above states, he meets the needs of those who have put their trust in Him. He makes a way where there seems to be no way!  Thank you Jesus!  


julieG said...

When I read this, I felt overcome with joy! What came to me was, Wow, what great things happen when we are obedient to God. I believe that the person who helped with this was hearing God and being obedient. I also believe this person will be blessed abundantly as you have been.

Amy said...

Someone really get's it, huh? That's awesome...........I mean to give like that shows Christ's love to it's fullest.