Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Life Lessons From A Fishing Trip

Last night Josh and I spent a couple hours fishing some area farm ponds. We spent the bulk of our time at the very pond he caught "the big one" a couple of weeks ago. We fished for probably 90 minutes and caught one lousy fish!

However, on our way home we stopped by a new pond Josh had never fished. The sun was going down but we thought we'd give it a try. Believe it or not [we have no pics to prove] we landed seven or eight fish in a matter of 15 minutes - that's not counting the few that we lost. It was quite a pond!

The happenings of the night got me to thinking how similar that situation is to fishing for men. We often become frustrated at our lack of success in bringing someone to Christ. We fish and we fish, to no avail. But then other times it seems as if a season of revival has come to stay. I guess the lesson that surfaced last night is...keep fishing. You never know when things are about to change.


gretchenhs said...

I think our church is in that revival stage now for sure! I can't get over how much we have been growing lately! God is so good! Keep preaching the word Chad, you have quite a gift for it.
Hope you and sweet Em have a SUPER vacation!

Sandi said...

I can just see you laughing catching your fish(s) so the story goes! ha! I'm so glad you and Josh are having such a great time fishing.

We plant the seed and when it doesn't take, it is frustrating, but like you said, keep fishing!