Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Love Comes Softly

Okay, I admit it. I watched a chick flick on my vacation and loved it.

Here's how it went down. I had caught the tail end of "Love Comes Softly" on tv a couple of days back and it left such an impression on me that when Emrie and I visited the Smithville library today, I rented the DVD and watched it tonight. Josh watched it with me and whether he admits it or not, he loved it as well.

Let me give you a quick run down on the movie and then I'll share some thoughts. If you've not watched the movie and don't want me to spoil the plot, you may want to watch the movie and then come back and read my post. If you could care less, here's the short version.

It was Marty Claridge’s dream to forge a new life on the American frontier with her husband. But when the courageous pioneer woman is suddenly widowed, she’s offered a new opportunity—to marry a widower in a marriage of convenience that leads unexpectedly to love.

At the risk of being far too transparent, here is why the movie appealed to me.
  • It's a story of incredible faith in a loving God who is willing to see us through life's greatest heartaches [perhaps my favorite line is when widower, Clark Davis prays, "Lord, I don't always understand your plan, but with a shattered heart, help me to accept it."]
  • I love the pioneer days and the landscape that was filmed was some of God's greatest handiwork.
  • Every widower who is blessed to have a daughter wants their girl to have a "mother".
  • This story is a reminder that it is possible to find love after losing the woman of your dreams. The lie the enemy continues to feed me is, "Chad, you will never again love someone like you did Amy." And my response is, "Go to hell satan!"
  • And on a lighter note, it doesn't hurt that Katherine Heigl is adorable. If she is married I apologize to her husband. It's her acting skills that leave me spellbound.


gretchenhs said...

Chad - This is so funny that you watched this movie. There are actually 3 in the series and Steve and I watched the first one LAST NIGHT! We loved it and plan on renting the other 2 this week. I loved it for the same reasons as you and I was even thinking of telling you about them! I like Katherine a lot too, always have. =)
Rent the other 2 if you get a chance and we can compare notes!


Sandi said...

Chad, I have heard of this movie, and will watch it too.

In somewhat a different situation, I wondered if I would marry again, and the lies of satan were very real to me as well.

At time I met my husband, Bill, he was a miracle. Bill, nor I, were looking for a "spouse" or to get married again, and the LORD KNEW EXACTLY WHO, WHEN, WHERE AND WHY, He put Bill and I together. After 17+ years, we still hold hands, pray together, laugh together, and disagree together. Thank you LORD.

I can see how this story touched your life, and NOTHING IS CO-INCIDENCE, from the thoughts you share on your blog, especially the one where you said "You don't always understand God's ways, but you love him anyway.......very powerful. Thanks for sharing. Aunt Sandi

Matt Coulter said...

You're quite transparent Chad. I offer props to you just for putting your heart out there for people to see. You have one of those unique life situations that really has a greater purpose for both yourself, your daughter, and other people that are still hurting. It is good to always hear you speak joyfully about things God has given you. Preach it.

Sandi said...

Yes Matt, I agree with you, Chad is wonderful, loves the Lord, human, kind, loving, - I could go on and on.......Chad shares his heart, and we all learn so much from him. He is a WITNESS FOR THE LORD TO ALL HUMAN HEARTS........PROUDLY, AUNT SANDI