Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Small Groups

Tonight I began teaching an elective course for "would be" small group leaders [we call them Discipleship Groups at Antioch] and as I put together my material this afternoon I was reminded how passionate I am about group life.

I've become thoroughly convinced that life change takes place best in small groups. Yes, a follower of Jesus can participate weekly in a large worship environment [for most of us that is our Sunday morning gathering] and grow in their faith walk. But it's only in a small group setting that true biblical fellowship begins to take form. When we drop the masks and become real. When we care enough to invest in the lives of other believers, something special happens. We begin to aid one another in our pursuit to become like Jesus.

Sunday morning is great and I wouldn't want you to miss it for the world, but there is so much more to experience. Get connected to a small group and watch what God will do.


Anonymous said...

Amen, Brother Doerr!

Anonymous said...

Our church doesn't have small groups... yet. How will we know which small groups to get plugged in to? Can't wait for our church to take the steps needed for deeper growth. Pray for us at Fairview, that we will grow deep, reach our community, (not just in a 1 mile radius), and we will have patience and understanding with each other as change comes. Pray for our leadership and Evan and Derrick too!
Thanks in advance! :)

Chad Doerr said...

Sheila, I do pray for Fairview. As far as how will you know which group to get plugged'll know when you find one that is working. You may need to be a part of one or two. Every small group I've been a part of has been benefitial. Some better than others. Keep growing and support my brother Evan!

Anonymous said...

If you are not sure which D-Group or wish that there was one in a certain area, I have found it is beneficial to me, to start one myself.

I know that I have to be very prepared to teach the Word, so it makes me read and study more than if I was just a participant.

God has taught me many, many things through the Spirit by doing this.