- I could not help but worship God throughout the ride as I was continually enamored at what He spoke into existence. Every time I spend time in nature I'm reminded of what a fabulous artist God has alway been. The trees longing to turn colors, the crisp river, the wild game, the graceful horses...it was awesome!
- I once thought I would like to be a cowboy and ride a horse wherever I went. My throbbing backside tells me that I'm not cut out for that kind of lifestyle.
- The Sunrise of Dixie was a great horse! Very gracious to this ameteur rider.
- For some reason a Bon Jovi song kept running through my mind. "I'm a cowboy...on steel horse I ride...I'm wanted dead of alive." Don't ask me why.
- I love being with friends!
- When we returned to the horse barn I felt what I thought to be water dripping on my head and shoulder. Come to find out it was one of the many farm cats urinating from the hay loft above. How sweet is that!
- Once my backside recovers I'd love to saddle up again.
Got to go. I think I smell cat urine.
Too hilarious! I don't think I ever pictured you singing Bon Jovi. What a way to put your horseback riding experience into words.(I am still laughing) It sounds like you had a great time!
Oh, and being peed on by a cat really stinks! (no pun intended!):)
I love your way with words......Uncle Bill and I were laughing as we read this.....I just cannot imagine being p'd on by a CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I would have fallen off my horse.
Glad you had a great time. The "Raw Hide" theme song came to my mind.
Get back in the saddle, no matter how badly it hurts!
OK here's the deal... I've been waiting to see how the dual services went and all I get is another horse story. Good Grief! Glad you had fun with my brother and his family. Haven't been on a horse since Rocky, don't intend on that changing. As for the cat, well that's what happens in them thar hills. :o)
Happy Trails
Too Funny!!!! I laughed so hard..mostly at your last comment..Your Uncle Frank said to tell you, "Now you know why cowboys wear hats!"
Sounds like a wonderful time to me. One of my favorite things is riding with friends! It was a lovely picture you painted!
As for the cat...well....GROSS!
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