Because I can't stomach the thought of giving a realtor 6% of my money, I'm going the "for sale by owner" route. I've set up a simple web page that will help me in this endeavor. If you can help me sell my house I'll give you a stick of bubblegum:)
Check out 408Maple.com
For the record, you're going against the advice of Dave :).
Sometimes places sell faster if people know what the inside is like and how big the rooms are..When we put ours up for sale in Florida, they took pictures of every room plus our florida room we sold it in 6 months...Just a thought...
I agree with Violet. I would put some pictures of the inside on the site. Just a helpful hint...
I CANNOT believe Chad is going against the words of DAVE RAMSEY. I am speechless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What would Dave Ramsey say about leaving a job before another is a signed deal?
anonymous! Dave Ramsey doesn't know! ha!
Knowing Chad, he has probably planned for it.
Good Luck Chad, When Bill and I sold our house in NC, we printed up spec sheets and put them out for passersby. Which is how we ended up selling our home, by owner. Aunt Sandi
Bubblegum is bad for your teeth! unless it is sugar free. :)
I don't know who this Dave guy is but I think there is something to be said for stepping out on faith. Kudos to you!
Who is Dave Ramsey?
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