I'm on vacation and have been busy painting and getting my house ready for sale but I wanted to post two pics from Easter. And I posted some interior pics at 408maple.com if you want to check it out.

Emrie and her Easter dress - even though it was freezing:)
My soon to be family with the Hinds bunch - Easter at mom & dad's
Emrie looks beautiful as always!
I bet your parents LOVED having all those little ones around to spoil!
Thanks for sharing the pictures, it's nice to put faces with the stories!
I bet all those kids made for a GREAT Easter!!! Which of these will be your new family?
Emrie is so beautiful! I always love to see pictures of her!
Surely all of these children
aren't going to be yours??????
If so, I hope you have an extra
job on the side.
ok which are yours? I know emrie is....and how old are they? maybe we need two jobs...:)
Those pictures would make perfect scrapbook pictures!!!! What a beautiful family you are going to have!!
Cute Picture!
That group is bound to get you moving ! Put on your tennis shoes ! You are going to be busy!
Emrie is on the far right. Jennifer's oldest, Kayla, is on the far left. Christian is the infant and Jalen, Jennifer's oldest son is in the orange. That makes four and that's my soon to be family.
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