She's done it before but it was a long time ago, and it was never like this. Emrie took the scissors to her beautiful hair today while at her baby sitter's. The pictures will never do it justice but she totally whacked it front and back. Her bangs are like 1/4 inch long and the back is hacked to death. I have no idea what we're going to do. I plan to let Jennifer assess the situation this weekend but what timing:) Her first dance recital in less than a month away and on top of that there is my June wedding. Are you kidding me!
Let me say this...the girl is going to be proficient at writing, "I will not cut my hair." She wrote it seven times tonight and she's not done.

A cute little short doo with all those beautiful curls....she will look wonderful for both her recital and your wedding. No worries daddy. Wait till she is 10 going on that is a fun age!
sometimes children do things when
a lot of change and different
circumstances are happening in their lives.Why does she say she
did it? They are very fragile at this time of age.
Awww, you're a softy.. I make Brady write the dictionary.. and if he is really in for it.. A Hebrew dictionary...
Kids are going to be kids. Don't worry Chad it could have been worst. She still is cute. Just wait until she gets old that when trouble beings. Just look on the bright side of things she could of cut it to look like Lonnie.
Don't worry dad, it will grow back...just trim it ...I have been there and done that with three girls of my own... But like Candie said wait till she is 10 going on 20....Better go buy a whole case of tylenol and tums, your going to need it....
Oh by the way, I wouldnt worry about Emries hair, you better worry about a distraught woman sitting in ur church service..You talk about POSTAL! KENTUCKY WILDCAT SHIRT!!! :) Inside joke people...:)
This is sooooooo normal for little girls, and some boys. ha! Can't wait to see what her new doo will be.
Did she ever say "why"? ha! When my granddaughter Kali did it, she said her mom wasn't there, and her hair was getting in her eyes. and, was tired of it getting in her eyes, so she cut it, and her mom is a hair dresser!
Just another memory for her childhood book
she is still adorable! I love Emrie!
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