Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Playing Zone

I recently heard an analogy that explained that once you have more than two children it's like switching from a man to man defense to a zone. With one or two kids, parenting is all man to man. But once you get past two it quickly switches to a zone. I loved the analogy and with four children I'm beginning to see the truth:)


Anonymous said...


How can we pray for you and your new family? Raising 4 children has to be hard. What prayer would you ask us to say?

Anonymous said...

I've never been a fan of the zone defense. I plan on sticking with man-to-man :).

Anonymous said...

I was always told once you got through the first two you had it made. We had seven...Have fun :)

Anonymous said...

Growing up a Bobby Knight fan, you have little knowledge of playing a zone? :)

Anonymous said...

Always remember to love each child as an individual, but to love them equally...dole out punishment fairly...and give out hugs the same...the oldest will ALWAYS remember how old they were the "first time they ____", and will never let you forget if you allow someone younger to do that "first thing" earlier than they did...so keep notes!!! More importantly... remember to relax and have fun. Kids are the greatest gifts that God gives us. He allows us to take these precious little ones and to raise them to bring Him glory. They are only ours for such a short time...while your ride will be a wild one, it was designed just for you, and God's plan is perfect!!!

Anonymous said...

When playing a zone how do you get to score the touchdown?