Thursday, October 11, 2007

Let's Gossip

John the apostle, in writing to his friend Gaius, shared the following words:

"It gave me great joy to have some brothers come and tell about your faithfulness to the truth and how you continue to walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." (3 John 3,4)

It sounds like people were coming to John and saying, "John, have you heard about Gaius? He is on fire for Jesus! He loves the truth and is chasing after it. You ought to see this guy! God is doing amazing things in his life." They were gossiping about their brother...but in a good way. Word was getting out that this brother was gettin' it done for the Lord.

As a pastor, I have to tell you, that it gives me great joy to hear stories of success and stories of faith. So I thought we'd try something. Here's what we'll do. Think of somebody that is gettin' it done for the Lord, someone who is noticeably growing in their faith, someone who is standing strong in the face of adversity, and let's gossip about them. Post a comment and share what it is you see in them that causes you to well up with joy. Use their name and hopefully it will get back to them. And maybe this gossip circle will bless someone's socks off instead of tearing them down.

I'll start.

Tony Kemper - I love his positive attitude and servants heart. What an inspiration!

Joe Rollins - He is finally pursuing God's calling for ministry and I'm so stinking excited for him. He has stepped out of the boat, his eyes are on Jesus and for now, he's walking on water:)

Jeremy Kane - I love this guy and I've been so blessed to work with him. He's creative beyond belief and is so eager to learn and grow. Just in the three or four months that I've been at GCC I've seen him grow a ton.

I could add to this list and probably will make some posts to the comment section at a later date. Keep checking back and keep sharing your stories. Let's start something here!


ghanson said...

I don't know, Chad, it kind of makes me think of the Wemmicks....

Joe Rollins said...

Thanks a lot for noticing that I am finally living with a purpose. I am on fire for Christ and seek only to do His will.

One person that I would like to recognize is Junior Waterbury because he has taken himself out of the shadows here recently and made his life transparent. The whole blog thing is working great for him and I think it is helping others as well. Good job Junior!

Three others that I also want to mention because it is just screaming at me to do so are Angie Hoyer, Michelle Elsby, and Kim Kane. They have done such a wonderful job with our children and I know they have grown spiritually through all they have done. Thank you so much guys for all the work you do for God's children!

Anonymous said...

Lynn Neal - I could write a book about my wife's faith and devotion to the Lord, but I'll keep it simple. Through many obstacles, which few are aware of, she continues to be a light, spreading the gospel and good news. She inspires me with her love, attitude, perseverence, knowledge, and of course her sense of humor. She continues to inspire me in my daily walk with Jesus.

Lynn said...

First of all "Mickey, I love you too!!"

I just want to mention Rebecca scrabble buddy and friend. I have watched as she has struggled through the loss of her best friend, and I have been so proud of her as I have watched her continue to grow in her love for the Lord at a time when many would have grown away. Her dedication to her Savior and her desire to teach his children speaks volumes about who she is in Christ. And... she is a great sock knitter!

Rebecca Jo said...

I have to brag on Cara Schroeder! Her heart for the kids is amazing & she always has just the right words for them. She inspires me!

Also - I have to say Lynn Neal is such a "Keep it real" Christian! She stands up for her faith - tells you what you need to hear - even if its not what you WANT to hear - but its always out of Christian Love.

We're so blessed with so many people in our church that is full of fire for Christ!

One other person-I use to work with her - her name is Wanda Jones - she had to leave after having her 6th child (OHH!) She was the boldest person for Christ I have EVER witnessed - & her personality just SHOWN because of Him! I miss her dearly in my work environment - but know she's blessing someone else daily!

Anonymous said...

Hi Chad, Cool Blog! I would have to say Derek Woodward our Youth Minister. He loves our kids, really cares about what they do and who they are wherever they may be. He makes Christ real for them, instead of some historical figure you should look up to. Youth Minstry is so important. I'm very thankful for he and his wife Nataly.

Anonymous said...

There are SO MANY people at GCC who would fit here, but I'd like to honor two; Stephanie Frazier and Leanna Richardson. Even while going through their own cancer experiences, they modeled the most amazing christian attitude to inspire the faith and courage I needed to get through mine. God just has this uncanny ability to put the right people in our paths at the right time, and these two women were a true God-send.

Chad, thanks for the opportunity to encourage other people by telling them how much they mean to us. We don't do that enough. These ladies' families should be very proud.