Monday, November 05, 2007

The Browns

A couple of weeks ago I preached about how God wanted to use each one of us to make an impact on the kingdom, one relational encounter at a time. Yesterday I got the chance to worship with a couple, Tom & Barb Brown, who impacted my life in incredible ways as a young person.

I was twelve years old and very impressionable. At the time, they were in their mid twenties and began attending the very church where I spent the bulk of my childhood. It took them no time to begin investing in the lives of young people. They served at youth coaches and as youth ministers came and went through the years, the Browns were consistently pouring into our lives. They probably have no idea the impact they made on my life and the lives of so many in our youth group but as I think back on that season of my life, they were perhaps the most influential adults in my life...and they weren't even paid to do it:)

I share this because I know there are some who will read this that have wondered, "Am I making a difference in the lives of these young people I work with?" Maybe it's as a youth coach, a teacher, a school administrator...most likely, you are making an impact far greater than you could ever imagine. Make the most of it.

So as I reflect on yesterday, it was great to worship with the Browns. It's been several years since I've seen them but as we worshiped the Lord together and as we talked before and after service, it brought back so many great memories. Tom and Barb, thanks for investing in my life when I needed you most!

1 comment:

Rebecca Jo said...

That is awesome that you got to spend time with these people who influenced you so much.

That is my prayer working with the youth - that somehow, someway, we touch them in a way that is forever changing to them. I know I'm not alone in that prayer.