I wanted to share a few thoughts in light of our experience:
- I couldn't help but think as person after person filed through line...they each have a story. Some are vets and have never been able to assimilate back into society. Others got messed up in the drug scene and have never gotten out. Still others are young boys who for whatever reason are not in school and have nowhere else to go. Oh how I would love to sit down with each one and hear their story. If only more of us would take the time to listen.
- It's so easy to rush to judgment, especially about people who are down and out. I for one want to rush to love rather than rush to judge...but I haven't always been successful in this:(
- So many of the guys were grateful for a warm, free meal. One guy even came back to the line just to say thanks and that the meal was good.
- Quite a few were surprisingly ungrateful and quite picky:)
- I'm thankful for ministries like Wayside who are living out love.
- Overall, it was a teachable moment for both me and the kids.
WOW! In a world of kids caught up in "What can I ask mom or dad for next?" and even worse.....parents who are spending $1,000 per ticket to get their kid into see Hannah whoever, or worse teaching their child to LIE and give a sob story so they can "win" a free ticket to the Hannah whoever show; I am totally in awe of your decision to show your children some "REAL" life situations. Even in our Christian lives, we sometimes, no most times, fail to step out of our comfort zone and stretch out to help someone who is not just like us or at least similar. Thank you for the reminder to meet with Jesus somewhere outside the walls of the church building.
working with the homeless is always an experience, no matter how many times you do it. They will always surprise you, positively and negatively. And they will always be among us. Another excellent homeless ministry is St. John's Day Center for homeless men. It is one of the few places where homeless men can go during the day. And kudos to you and your kiddos for being willing to associate with society's most unpopular segment!
Hey Chad! How have you been doing? I havn't talked to you in awhile and I kinda felt like I turned my back on you because even before you left Antioch I wouldn't even talk to you. I don't know why but anyways I'm sorry you were always there for me! Also I got accepted to Morehead and I'm gonna be on the collegente bowling team so you have to watch me on ESPN!!!! Last but not least I got a new email address. write back so we can keep in touch!
Loren Jones!
Awesome that you took the kids to work at Wayside. We took Carly with us a few years back and it was an eye opening experience for her. We also encountered those who were borderline rude as they walked through the serving line.... "what's this?" "Is that what they're serving?" "Who would want to eat that?" I have since often wondered if this was their sense of control in an often uncontrollable situation! What disturbed me most about that portion was that those doing the most of the complaining were the moms...with their children by their side. Not a good teaching moment for them! So sad....
Matthew 25:31-46....For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me. I was in prison and you visited me. Then the righteous will answer "When did we see you?".........
The KING will reply, "I tell you the TRUTH, whatever you did to the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Then He will say to those on his left, "depart from me you who are cursed, into eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels" For when I was hungry, thirsty, sick in prison or needed clothes..you did not look after me".....
I tell you the truth, " whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."
I remember working with Wayside while in college. It's a great place to connect and build relationships.
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