Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Reflections

Last night marked the two month mark for Live Wire and God is continuing to blow me away. In so many ways He has exceeded my expectations. Jennifer and I, having never started a church, stepped out in faith because we were certain that is what He was asking of us, and He has been faithful beyond measure. Here are a few reflections from last night:
  • First of all let me say that I had a sense of expectation coming in to Sunday night. I didn't know what God was going to do but I knew that a lot of prayer and fasting had taken place and that always results in a Holy Ghost explosion :)
  • I about lost it before service even begin. This deserves a quick story. Sunday morning/afternoon I was spending some personal time in worship and prayer and out of the blue this friend from my past came to mind. Immediately I made a mental note that I wanted to make contact soon to check up on their walk with the Lord. I hadn't seen this family in several months and wondered how they were getting along. Would you believe that thirty minutes before service, in walks the very family the Lord had brought to remembrance. I mean, are you kidding me?! They told me that that morning they had a sudden prompting to look me up on the internet and find out where I was. They found the church site and the rest is history. Is God awesome or what?!
  • That family was not the only new family to Live Wire. We had several guests join us for worship. I can honestly say that in two months, we've had new people every week! Praise God!
  • Worship was awesome! Our regular drummer didn't show so Meechy stepped in and rocked the house. It was his first time ever playing during a praise and worship set. You would have never known. It must have been the anointing:)
  • The Holy Spirit came on Alonzo towards the end of worship and he busted out into a series of prophetic songs. Oh my word! I cannot tell you how that stirred our hearts. Not only that, it confirmed in my spirit that the message God had given me was the very message He wanted to share because the reality was, Alonzo had no idea what I was planning to preach on, and yet his prophetic word ran parrallel to the very word God had given me.
  • For only the second time in nine years, I stepped to the pulpit with not a single note. God had given me a text and a general direction but that was it. But as I preached I could feel the anointing carrying me. I knew that the Holy Spirit was ordering my words. I have never in all my life felt the presence of the Lord in such a strong way as I preached. God was incredible and gave an on time word that many needed to hear - there is nothing too difficult for God (Jeremiah 32:27)!
  • The time of ministry and prayer was powerful. Both young and old were touched as God met them where they were and imparted faith and courage to face the days ahead. Wow!
  • Kim Piaggio cooked some killer tacos for my family and the worship team. What a blessing!

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