Saturday, April 04, 2009

High Ropes Course Pics

It appears that God is opening a door for me to begin leading team building events with Mt. St. Francis and the Essence Retreat Center. I'm excited because I'll be given the opportunity to pour into people but it will also help me pick up some extra cash:) Today I spent the day in training under the tutelage of ERI and my day culminated with what they refer to as the "diaper pole".  They name is given because many who get to the top of the 30 foot telephone pole and look down will wish they had a diaper on:)

Here are some pictures of the ascension, the countdown at the top, and the jump. I just wish you could have heard the scream:)

1 comment:

gretchenhs said...

Oh my goodness, if I didn't weigh so much, I would LOVE to do that! hahaha