Saturday, May 13, 2006

Giving Birth

I just finished reading over tomorrow's message for the final time tonight. There's nothing so sweet as placing that final period [or an exclamation point if you're the 'fire and brimstone' type] and knowing the crafting process is done. I love to deliver the message once it's written but the research and writing phase is laborious for me [unlike Steve & Aaron from whom it just flows].

Some weeks the message comes a bit easier than others. Though it feels great to finish on Thursday, it's only happened a hand full of times. I typically finish on Saturday morning and then send if off to the tech person for slides [she's awesome and oh so flexible].

This week I was plugging along pretty good until Thursday. Thursday consisted of having breakfast with three of my senior adults, having lunch with a life long friend, and spending the afternoon visiting two friends in jail.

So here I am, finishing my sermon at 9:30pm the night before I'm set to deliver it. Oh well...I feel good about it and can't wait to share it.

But Monday is coming and the whole process starts over again.

I heard one preacher liken the whole process to giving birth after a nine month pregnancy, only to wake up the next morning and find out you're pregnant again!


Matt Coulter said...

I feel for you brother. That is why I've spent more time designing and leading music portions of services rather than preaching. As a PK I was always amazed that my dad could pull together something to share week after week. Of course that was in the good old days when you usually had to preach a different sermon on Sunday night than you did in the morning. Yikes! If you are more like me you have moments where the words do just sit in your heart waiting to be poured out on paper. Those seem to really be the things of passion that you just can't wait to share. Keep it up though. People depend on you to teach them.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if YOU know your gift to touch peoples heart, but I DO. (I believe, the preparing and being PERFECT is just the perfectionist in you. YOU HAVE THE SPIRIT IN YOU AND IT SHOWS) And when you get in front of the congregation, your words just flow FROM THE SPIRIT AND YOUR PASSION! I love listening to your messages online. Thank you for being you. aunt Sandi

Anonymous said...

Well it was a good sermon that sparked conversation in at least our car ride home.

I look forward to the next two in this series as well as the small group study this summer.

Anonymous said...

My sermon study group just had this conversation this week. I think I love puting the message together almost as much as I enjoy delivering it.