Tuesday, May 30, 2006

The Second Half

As I was researching for my upcoming message today, I stumbled upon a verse in the Bible that blessed my socks off and I want to share it with you.

But to preface what I’m about to share, you need to know that sporadically over the last few months I have been tempted to feel sorry for myself. I do this as I comprehend what I had in Amy and therefore what I’ve lost. How can I ever have a marriage like the one I had? What friend will ever fill the void Amy has left? Will I be alone for the rest of my days? If not, how will anyone ever compare? All this junk flies through my head and I hate it, but it’s there.

And then I think about the life of Job in the Bible. Not that I in any way have gone through what that man did. [For those who are unfamiliar with the story, it’s a must read] Here’s this godly man that seemed to have it all together, yet in a matter of 24 hours, lost everything that was precious to him. His livestock was stolen and his farmhands killed. His children were killed in a tragic windstorm. And if that wasn’t enough, Job himself was inflicted with a terrible skin disease from head to toe and was counseled by some loser friends and a crazy wife.

And Job is often looked up to as this pillar of the faith, like he had all this tragedy dumped in his lap and he just kept smiling. That was far from the case! He did praise God through the storm but let it be known that Job wrestled with God. He had a lot of questions and some of those questions never got answered.

And we read the book of Job and you and I are afforded these back stage passes that Job’s never given. We have access to chapter one and we’re able to read the entire dialogue that took place between God and Satan and it makes total sense to us. Or at least it makes more sense then it did for poor Job. I’m thinking as I read the story. “Oh buddy Job. If you only knew the whole story. I know things are bad now but God is going to bless your socks off. Just hold on for a couple more chapters.”

And then it happens in the last chapter of the book it says, “The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the first.” (Job 42:12) Wow! That was a word I needed to hear. I consider myself a blessed man and to even think that God may bless the second half of my life more than he has the first, just blows me away. Therefore, for every tear I shed, I will claim this verse because I know my God has a plan for my life and it far exceeds anything I could fathom.


steve-o said...

Don't you just love Scripture? It's things like your story that shows a book thousands of years old can still be relevant.

I know it's tough, but I'm thasnkful that you're sharing about Amy. It helps all of us as well. Blessings, brother.

Sandi said...

Yes Chad, we thank you so much for your sharing. It is my opinion, that you are NOT feeling sorry for yourself! You lost part of you! Your life with your SOUL MATE! You are in mourning dear one. Pain from the heart, IS PAIN. The devil is NOT WINNING! You are sharing your heart with Godly people, and the fact YOU REMAIN FAITHFUL TO THE LORD, TURN TO HIM IN ALL THINGS, AND CONTINUE TO PRAISE HIM, IS AN INSPIRATION AND WITNESS TO ALL.........It is my opinion, (I have so many) that you are still doing exactly what you and Amy believed, and lived.....Job is a wonderful witness!!!! as, is YOU! Aunt Sandi

Kelly said...

I agree with Steve. Just as we read in the Bible and learn from Job's story, there are many people I know who are reading your blog and learning from you -- your love for Amy and your daughter, your passion for ministry, and your faith in God through all you've experienced. Thank you for allowing all of us to see God's grace through your life.

Sandi said...

Chad, while reading your blog and comments from your wonderful friends, I am still in AWE of how much I learn from you and your friends. What a blessing! Kelly's comment about God's grace is a reminder to me - I still need to understand and know more about God's grace. Sandi