Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Back From Seattle

Well…not exactly. But I did just listen to a sweet message from the Reform & Resurge Conference held recently at Mars Hill Church in Seattle. I know I’ve said this before, but I love technology [when it works].

I find it boring to cut the grass without my mp3 player. So before firing up the mower, I asked myself, “What do I want to listen to tonight?” It was then that I was reminded of the recent conference that I had heard so much about. So I turn on my computer and within minutes it has traveled to Seattle, pulled down a few mp3 files to my player, and I was on my way. By the end of the evening I felt as if I had just attended a refreshing conference and felt great that I had saved airfare, housing, and registrations costs. Can someone say Dave Ramsey?

Technology never ceases to amaze me. To think that a friend was able to read my blog while vacationing in Hawaii. To think that a missionary in Turkey can listen to my messages online. To think that I can conduct a mobile conversation thanks to my cell and don't even have to hold my phone. To think that in just a few minutes I will watch last week's Southeast service via my computer. These things bless me.

All I have to say is, "Praise God for technology!" May we as the church be compelled to find new and innovative ways to us it for the Kingdom of God.

Note: The Reform message I listened to was one of the best messages I've ever heard on engaging our culture while at the same time holding true to the gospel. If you are a church leader or are just concerned with the body of Christ being culturally relevant, please listen to "Breaking The Missional Code" by Ed Stetzer.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for recommending that message. I listened to it while I did some stuff in my office and was blessed as result. It was a reminder to me that I need to be more passionate about getting the gospel to my culture.

Daniel said...

Hi Chad,

I am the worship leader whre Darrel Land preaches.

I think the stuff Mars Hill (as well as the Resurgence conference stuff) offers is fantastic. Mark Driscoll is the highlight of my Tuesdays at work when I get to listen to his weekend sermon. His book, "Confessions of a Refomission Rev" is great too, especially for you full-time pastors.