Friday, September 15, 2006

My First Visit

Upon the recommendation of a friend I am visiting a grief counselor this morning. He is supposedly very good. I feel very healthy but would like someone to make an objective assessment.

Maybe he'll confirm that I'm doing just fine, but then again maybe we'll find out once and for all that I'm a genuine nut case. We'll see. And I'll just go ahead and tell you...if it's the later I probably won't tell you:)


Sandi said...

What an awesome gift you are giving yourself Chad.

Anonymous said...

we are all nut case in someway, so I think you are just fine.

Anonymous said...

The Grief never leaves at least not for me.It has been five years and I still have bad days..and I am not Nuts....

Anonymous said...

If the Grief ever goes away, I want to know when?...mine hasn't and its been over five years....There are times I would just like to be left alone..Then I just keep asking God, WHY?

Mike said...

Chad, I think you are being very strong by trying to see what a "professional" might say. So often we in the world of Christendom write of psychological professionals as quacks and those who see them as weak-minded nuts. That is not the case. I think we need to start learning that sometimes even a Christian needs to find some help with dealing with our emotions and feelings. Good for you for taking this step.

Anonymous said...

Wish I had your courage Chad. My family thinks it's weak to seek counseling. I think it would be great if we all realized we're a little cracked, and it's ok to seek professional help to get things straight in your head. I wish churches would provide this service so at least you could be reffered to someone extremely professional and trustworthy.

Anonymous said...

To the person who wished the Churches offered counseling...many of the larger churchs do. Plum Creek, just south of Alexandria,Ky does. I would strongly encourage anyone who is struggling with a crisis in their life to seek counseling from a Christian source. Secular counselors usually look at us who love Jesus as really cracked nuts! Keeping pain bottled up is so damaging to your emotional health. And by the way Chad are the most level headed nut I've ever known.